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Michael Lane’s Ultimate Guide to Selling Your Home in Alameda

If you are selling a home in Alameda, California, this year, you may wonder exactly where you should start. Alameda’s temperate year-round climate and convenient location in the East Bay area of San Francisco will make this an attractive place for potential buyers. Alameda real estate also offers its residents multiple opportunities for arts and culture, fine dining, and boutique shopping. Alameda has hiking and biking trails to enjoy, along with its public parks. Residents also have easy access to the bay for swimming, boating, kayaking, and fishing. If you are ready to sell your home in Alameda, read on to find out the best ways to get started.

Get your home ready

The first step toward selling your Alameda home involves careful preparation.

Determine your goals

Before you move forward with the sales process, take the time to determine your goals. Think of the price you hope to sell your home for. Decide on your budget, considering the costs of moving, storing, and closing costs. Know the time of year you would like to sell and the overall timeline you hope to complete the sale. Allow for the unexpected, though. Give yourself a cushion with your budget in case anything comes up. Be prepared for any changes in the real estate market that could affect your sale.

Clean and prepare

Now it is time to get your home ready for listing. Start by removing any clutter from your home. Clear the counters of excess items and remove clothing piled up in the laundry room. Do not simply move extra belongings into the closets; get them out of the house entirely. Potential buyers check all the spaces of a home and want to be sure their own items will fit. Depersonalize your home next by packing away your personal photos and accessories, so buyers can see themselves living there instead. Once your home is free and clear, clean it until every surface sparkles.

Repair and update

Now it is time to decide if you need to update the home before you list it. You may only need to make some simple repairs. For example, check door knobs and handles to be sure they turn smoothly. Fix any leaky faucets or squeaky hinges. Do make sure you repair anything that could be a potential hazard, such as a loose floorboard. If you are considering updates, look for those simple fixes that appeal to buyers. Paint your home in desirable neutrals or apply a fresh coat of stain to your kitchen cabinets. Check the exterior, too, and touch up the front door or add a colorful flower pot to give a positive first impression to buyers.

Stage it

Once your home has been repaired and updated, it is time to think about staging. Professional staging involves carefully placing furniture and accessories to highlight the specific features of a room. Experts also agree professional staging provides most buyers with a positive return on their investment. Staging also involves the consideration of what certain buyers might be looking for. For example, consider staging a room as a dedicated home office. This shows exactly how a room might be repurposed for future use. Professional stagers also know how to design a room to stand out in those upcoming photographs.

Hire a knowledgeable real estate agent

Once you have prepared your home for listing, your next step is to hire a knowledgeable and highly-qualified Alameda real estate agent to support you throughout the process. You’ll want an agent with the below qualities.

Strong communication

Start by assessing a potential real estate agent’s communication skills. Do they ask you questions about your real estate goals and lifestyle? Do they know your preferred communication style? Are they willing to commit to prompt responses and consistent updates? Make sure the real estate agent you hire demonstrates these skills immediately. Ask if they have an assistant to help them or if they will be your sole contact. Inquire as to their negotiation skills, as they will be your advocate throughout the home selling process moving forward.

Deep knowledge base

Your real estate agent should also demonstrate a strong knowledge base about the area of Alameda. They should be able to describe the city, including its neighborhoods, amenities, recreation, transportation, and schools. They should know how the area will appeal to buyers and offer recommendations to enhance your home sale accordingly. Your real estate agent should also demonstrate an understanding of the real estate market, including the specific trends in your area. They should provide you with a comparative market analysis (CMA). This analysis shows you the best price range to list your home for based on sales of like homes in your neighborhood. This step is critical: if you list your home for the highest price, not the best price, it could linger too long on the market.

Marketing expertise

Ask your Alameda real estate agent about their plans to market your home. Look for a comprehensive plan that showcases your lifestyle to a wide range of potential buyers. You should expect a professional approach highlighting your home’s appeal through drone shots and twilight photographs. A virtual tour or social media campaign may also be recommended. A solid marketing plan will also include a print campaign, with direct mailers or personal invitations sent to potential buyers. Your real estate agent may also suggest a broker open house to generate excitement about your home entering the market. Ask them for referrals or check their website for testimonials from previous clients regarding successful home sales.

Ready to list your Alameda real estate?

Once you have taken the necessary steps to prepare your home for listing, including cleaning, preparing, updating, and staging, it is time to consider hiring a real estate agent. Remember to choose an agent with strong communication, deep knowledge, and experience with marketing and selling homes like yours. Michael Lane is a real estate agent with over 10 years of experience in residential real estate. A resident of Alameda himself, Michael knows exactly how to use his marketing expertise to support your home sale. If you are ready to learn more, contact him at  Michael Lane Homes today.

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Michael is an experienced East Bay agent with a passion for his business. His clients know that he represents them with the highest level of integrity and experience throughout the sales process. Contact Michael and his team to begin your real estate journey today.
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